- How long have you had your pet? 你养宠物多久了?
- And how long have you had your driver's licence? 你有驾驶执照多久了呢?
- How long have you had a migraine headache? 您犯偏头疼有多长时间了?
- How long have you had this trouble? 你得这病多久了?
- How long have you had that haircut? 你梳这个发型多久了?
- Madam, how long have you had asthma? 夫人,您患哮喘有多长时间了?
- How long have you had arthritis? 你患关节炎多久了?
- How long have you had that problem? 这毛病多久了?
- How long have you had this fever/symptoms? 你发烧多久了?
- How long have you had this rash? 这疹子有多久了?
- How long have you had this scabies? 您这疥疮长多长时间了?
- How long have you had this pain? 疼了多久?
- How long have you had palpitation? 您感觉心悸有多长时间?
- D: Let me examine you first. How long have you had this pain? 让我先检查一下。疼了多久了?
- Let me have a look. How long have you had this rash? 医生:你先来检查一下。你出疹子有多长时间了?
- How long have you had agents amongst the Royalist party? |你在王党里潜伏密探有多久了?
- How long has your brother been a soldier? 你兄弟当了多长时间的兵了?
- Have you had your cholera jabs yet? 你打霍乱预防针了吗?
- Do you mean the minimum period ? If you have any grievance ask your RC in the II to III promotion board. For how long have your interview been taken ? 各处乡村各处例?升二级多久才可以上三划啊?成人单位和少年团本部的制度会否唔一样?(晋升年期,要求......等等
- How long have you been engaged in your trade? 你干这一行有多久了?